


The fear of failure, loss of power and control.


Where I want to end up in my life? Where I lost the control of my life?

General Meanings:

In general the dream about falling indicates insecurities, unstable life and fears of the dreamer.

Falling dream interpretation by S.Freud
According to S.Freud the dream about the falling represents decreased libido and sexual needs. The dreamer has much lower sexual needs than he had before. There are some factors that lowered the desire to get a pleasure or the dreamer avoids the actual sexual intercourse with someone, therefore while feeling the pressure he keeps dreaming about falling. It could also show depreciation of his own powers, when in reality the performance of sexual intercourse is made perfectly.

The dream of falling influenced by internal stimulus
The falling is mostly dreamed by the first stage of the sleep. At this stage of the sleep, people who dream of falling are affected by spasms of muscles such as legs, arms and the rest of the body. Usually when people dream of falling at first stage of the dream, they wake up immediately because of the protection the conscious mind causes for not to harm yourself while suffering the spasms of the muscles.

Falling in dreams caused by the fear
Everybody has insecurities and some of them make stronger influence than other ones. There is a possibility that the dreamer does not like some parts of his appearance. It is also possible that the dreamer has the fear of particular person, upcoming event, job he is doing or the situation he is in at the moment. The pressure, strain and stress are felt during the day, therefore, the dreamer can not have a proper sleep and rest.

Psychological Meanings:

Psychologically the falling in dreams can have many meanings depending on different circumstances of the dream and the reasons of the falling:

Slipped and fallen
Sometimes the dreamer falls because he slipped on some surface. According to dream interpretation of slipping, such dream represents very slippery surface you are walking on at the moment. Consider in what situation of your life you are at the moment, because the dream warns you to be careful and do not take risks, otherwise you will fall.

Lost balance and fallen
The dream represents the balance you have while dealing with your life. If the dreamer lost the balance and because of that reason have fallen down, such dream signifies the unbalance you have within yourself. Make sure you know, what kind of aspects of your personality you are unbalanced with. If the dreamer knows the main problems, he will be able to become stable and do not fall down.

Fallen because you have been pushed
The pushing as the fact indicates that you feel the pressure by someone, or you are pushing yourself because of something. Maybe you have very high expectations for yourself and doing something to reach the target you are aiming for. In this case the dream suggest to take things a bit slower, otherwise you will fall. The dream can also show that you feel the pressure from someone. In this case, you should stay away from these people, otherwise they will harm you.

Fallen because could not hold on to something
If the dreamer has been holding on to something and the fallen down, then such dream indicates the old idea or problem he is holding on to. The dream suggest to let go old problems and move on, otherwise you will fall. It is known that when people start moving on, the new life, ideas are coming together.

Somebody saved you while you were falling
To dream that you’ve been falling, but then somebody have saved you, signifies the protection you fell you have from someone. According to dream, you feel that at any time of your life, when you will not know how to act someone will give you a hand and will help while going through your life. Make sure you do not attach yourself to this person to much, because sometimes the help you need might not be provided for many reasons such as the end of relationships with that particular person or simply not being there for you.

Spiritual Meanings:

On the spiritual level, the falling is a symbol of inability to have a proper contact with your soul. The dream shows that there is no connection with the dreamer’s inner being.

Traditional Meanings:

European (Judeo-Christian)

Loss of reputation and wealth if falling from high altitude – if the dreamer saw himself falling from very high, then such dream shows that he will not be respected anymore;
You’re confused if fallen into the black depth – to dream that you are falling into the depth that is black and it is impossible to see what lies in it, shows that at this time of your life you’re going to unknown direction;
Dangerous challenges if fallen and hurt yourself – to dream that you were falling and landed by injuring yourself, signifies risky tasks you will have to do. The dream also warns about the loss of your identity;
Will receive a bad reputation if fallen into a ditch – to dream that you were falling into the ditch, shows that opinion about you will be decreased;
Will take risks if fallen into the water – to dream that you’ve fallen into the water, signifies the risky life you will have in near future;
Will avoid the enemies if see others falling – to dream of witnessing other people falling, has a good meaning, which symbolizes that you will be able to escape the bad people who wants to harm you;
Disrespect if fallen from the tree – to dream that you were falling from the tree, denotes to your honor which will be offended by someone.

Hindu (Hinduism)

Will avoid the disappointment if see somebody falling – to be the one that is seeing, but not falling himself is interpreted as a good omen, because you will not be the one that is suffering;
Wishes will be fulfilled if fallen on a flat ground – to dream that you were fallen on the ground that is flat, denotes to your desires which will come true;
Someone is talking behind your back if fallen into a ditch – to dream of being the one who fallen into the ditch, represents people in your life who talks bad things about you;
Bad luck if fallen from the high height – such dream indicates the misfortune you will have. Make sure you do not take any risks, otherwise you will lose;
Negative thoughts if injured yourself while falling – to dream that you are falling then hurting yourself, shows the bad, negative and evil thoughts that lies within you. Make sure you do not let those thoughts and emotions to take control over you, otherwise you will become a bad person.

Arabian (Islamic)

Disrespect if fallen from the tree – to dream that you were falling from the tree, denotes to your honor which will be offended by someone;
You’re confused if fallen into the black depth – to dream that you are falling into the depth that is black and it is impossible to see what lies in it, shows that at this time of your life you’re going to unknown direction;
Dangerous challenges if fallen and hurt yourself – to dream that you were falling and landed by injuring yourself, signifies risky tasks you will have to do;
Will lose the riches if falling from the staircase – to dream that you were falling from the staircase symbolizes the loss of your rich life;
Disease if falling into the water – to fall into the water the illness and sickness from the disease you will suffer;
Will be cursed if falling into muddy water – to dream that you were falling into water that is dirty and muddy denotes to someone’s desire to harm you, therefore that person will give you a curse;
Will receive a bad reputation if fallen into a ditch – to dream that you were falling into the ditch, shows that opinion about you will be decreased;
Will witness someone’s failing if see others falling – to dream that you see others falling, means that you will witness their frustration and misfortune;
Fear if falling into abyss – to dream that you were falling into the abyss, represents your fear for something. Maybe you have no connection with God, therefore you feel like you are falling into abyss, to an endless unknowing;
Disrespect if fallen from the tree – to dream that you were falling from the tree, denotes to your honor which will be offended by someone.
* Please, see meaning of crash, fly, airplane.

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